Actually, for at least 6 very good reasons:
1. Help prevent muscle injury. You've probably heard me say "muscles like to be wet & slimy"!! Well, so does fascia (the membrane that covers and connects muscles in our bodies). Being hydrated allows all these structures to function better and slide over one another, as they should.
2. Lose weight. Being dehydrated decreases our metabolism! Also, drinking fluids can curb our appetite.
3. Aid digestion. Being dehydrated leads to constipation.
4. Increase performance. Replacing water lost through sweat allows us to sweat more to keep our core temperature within optimal range.
5. Detoxify. Helping the body flush out the by-products of metabolism, helping us feel better.
6. and finally... Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF, the brain's motorway) is 99.8% water... imagine being dehydrated!!
(Remember.. if you have a runny nose, sickness, diarrhoea or sweating, you need to drink more. If you're struggling to keep it inside, try sipping tiny amounts every 20 mins.)
