I would love for you to have freedom from your pain and other symptoms...
And without the pain of manipulation or endless appointments.
Back Pain, Joint Pain, or simply feeling achy, stiff or sore somewhere on your body can stop you from living the life you desire.
The good new is, I can usually help - quickly and gently.
This may very well be the last (or only) thing you need to try, to help you feel better, move better, and get back to enjoying more of your life again.
Fast and lasting relief from pain
Gentle, relaxing, and performed through light clothing
Improved mobility, posture, and body balance

Where can you get my help?
FREE phone call
In-person (Wash Common, Newbury, RG14)
Online (via video call)
My Approach
I am passionate about helping people to live with greater freedom of movement and without the fear of pain, so they may enjoy their days, stop feeling old before their time, and sleep better at night.
Your Pain
Do you know why you have pain?
Sometimes it may seem obvious what has caused our pain, such as an injury or a repetitive strain.
But other times, it seems as though your pain has come from out of nowhere.
'Wear and tear' is a term that seems to float around, and is often not the full story.
And age does not correlate with pain, either!
Maybe you think your pain is due an old injury 'playing up', yet this injury should have healed. There's usually more to it than that.
The answer is often simply that something is holding your body back - either preventing your body from being calm and functioning well, putting strain on a part of your body, or, something is 'blocking' your full recovery from an old injury.
The biggest mistake many people make is concentrating on the area that hurts or is damaged.
This is the general approach used in modern medicine and sports therapy, so it is completely understandable why we are led to believe this is the best way.
However, in my 20 years' experience of working on people, I have learned this is most definitely not the best way.
I use my experience to get to the root cause rather than only addressing the symptoms
I use the amazing Bowen Technique to help reset your whole body
And a simple set of tools to empower you to take back ownership of your body
Unlike other therapy
I may help to quickly release painful tight muscles & aid recovery from muscle, nerve, back or joint pain
- the gentle way & either through your clothing or through the atmosphere, just like radio or Wifi signals-
I try very hard to unlock the reasons why you haven't healed or why you feel so uncomfortable.
I may assist your body to reset, to realign your spine, create happier joints, correct your posture, re-balance your whole body, and relieve stress...
Without harmful or repeated manipulation, massage, adjustments, or exercises.
People often find their sessions very relaxing and calming. There is usually no need to remove any clothing except for belts, and it is preferable not to be wearing denim jeans.
Bowen Therapy
£55 per 1 hr session or 5x sessions for £250