Stretching is great for the body for so many reasons
Stretching increases...
- the range of movement of muscles and joints;
- good posture;
- blood flow to the muscles, thus aiding healing and performance;
- general circulation and cardiovascular function;
- supply of nutrients to the area;
- mechanical efficiency;
- relaxation;
- energy levels
- and brain function
It also decreases...
- pain;
- risk of further injury;
- tension;
- fatigue
- and costly treatments
HOWEVER, the correct routine must be followed and care must be taken not to over-stretch. Otherwise, all you'll end up doing at the least is wasting your time and at the most, causing injuries and problems for yourself. Below are the 8 most common mistakes regularly made when stretching.
1. (Yes, number 1!) Not warming up first:
The body must be loosened-up first and the body's temperature raised slightly. It's recommended you perform about 10 minutes of, at least, gentle exercise beforehand.
2. Using too much force:
The feeling while stretching should be slightly uncomfortable, never painful. Too much stretch can cause micro tears and 'pull' the muscle
3. Wrong amount of time spent on each stretch:
Optimal time for each stretch should be about 30 seconds. Never longer than 60 seconds
4. Holding your breath:
Take deep breaths as you stretch. The muscles need to be relaxed. Holding your breath creates tension which can also raise the blood pressure
5. Focusing on the same stretches every time:
This can create imbalances where some muscles are more flexible than others, leading to an incorrect distribution of strength. Include a variation of stretches to your routine
6. Wrong stretch or position:
Follow instructions carefully. If it's too uncomfortable or it doesn't feel beneficial, stop
7. Not stretching regularly enough:
Ideally, you should spend 5-10 minutes stretching every day or every other day
8. Stretching sore or newly injured muscles and joints:
Traumatised tissue needs to knit back together - not be pulled apart. Depending on the severity of the injury, you may have to wait 3-10 days, or longer, before stretching that area